美國賓州土撥鼠菲爾(Punxsutawney Phil) 誤判春天已到,遭俄亥俄州冷血檢察官Michael Gmoser起訴
誤判春天來了 土撥鼠遭美起訴
2013.03.23 02:35 pm
美國最著名的土撥鼠,賓州的菲爾(Punxsutawney Phil)上月預測今年春天會提早來臨之後,嚴冬反而加劇,美國各地暴風雪頻傳,仍在冷得發抖的俄亥俄州的一位檢察官以誤報春天的詐騙重罪,對菲爾提出「刑事控訴」。
【2013/03/23 聯合晚報】
Punxsutawney Phil ‘indicted’ for botched Groundhog Day spring forecast
- Mar 24, 2013
CINCINNATI – The most famous groundhog in the United States, Punxsutawney Phil, might want to go back into hibernation because he faces a “criminal indictment” for falsely predicting an early spring.
Tradition has it that winter will end quickly if the rodent sees his shadow after emerging from his western Pennsylvania lair Feb. 2, an annual ceremony dating back to the 19th century and immortalized in the Bill Murray movie “Groundhog Day.”
Phil saw his shadow this year — but his prediction was wrong. Spring only arrived Wednesday, and temperatures are still hovering just below freezing in much of the Northeast.
Shivering Americans are vilifying Punxsutawney Phil on social media sites, and one prosecutor in Ohio is even filing charges against the animal.
“Punxsutawney Phil did purposely, and with prior calculation and design, cause the people to believe that spring would come early,” Mike Gmoser, the prosecutor in southwestern Ohio’s Butler County, wrote in an official-looking indictment. Gmoser said Punxsutawney Phil is charged with misrepresentation of spring, which constitutes a felony “against the peace and dignity of the state of Ohio.” The penalty Phil faces? Death, Gmoser said, tongue firmly in cheek.
The backlash has raised fears for Punxsutawny Phil’s safety, and special security precautions are in place around his home in Gobbler’s Knob.
Prosecutor sees Punxsutawney Phil pushing daisies for forecast fraud
Are Punxsutawney Phil's days numbered after an Ohio prosecutor indicted him and said he deserves the death penalty?
By Tracy Connor, Staff Writer, NBC News
An Ohio prosecutor says Punxsutawney Phil should be predicting the weather from six feet under.
With tongue planted firmly in cheek, Michael Gmoser, the prosecuting attorney in Butler County, filed court papers this week indicting the world-famous groundhog for "misrepresentation of early spring" and announcing his intention to seek the death penalty.
"This is a ground-breaking indictment," Gmoser said Friday as he fielded phone calls from around the world about the light-hearted legal battle. "There's a lot of people who want a piece of him. I know because I'm getting recipes from around the country."
On Feb. 2, Phil forecast an early spring when he emerged from his Pennsylvania home and did not see his shadow. Six weeks later, Gmoser looked out his window to snow, high winds and frigid air.
"I said to someone, 'Phil let us down. I ought to indict the little rascal.' They said, 'Why don't you?' and I said, 'I think I will,'" the prosecutor said.
He said he had to seek the ultimate penalty because otherwise the indictment would have had no teeth.
Courtesy Butler County prosecutor's office
Butler County prosecutor Michael Gmoser filed indictment papers against Punxsutawney Phil for falsely predicting an early spring.
"Phil right now is in jail, behind bars, serving a life sentence. Because of that, there's nothing left for Phil but the death penalty," Gmoser said.
He was laughing, but sadly, not everyone got the joke.
"Frankly, I have received a number of phone calls from people who think this is a serious story," he said. "It's a spoof. We do some real serious work regarding rape, murder and mayhem and it's something to lighten the spirits of folks around here."
Phil could not be reached for comment, but Jeffrey Lundy, vice president of the Punxsutawney Ground Hog Club, said there was no chance of extradition.
“He's going to have to go through 15 licensed hunters to get to Phil,” Lundy told Triblive.com.
Cold Prosecutor Indicts Punxsutawney Phil for Fraud
An Ohio prosecutor tired of a prolonged winter has indicted Punxsutawney Phil for fraud after the famed groundhog predicted an early spring.
Butler County Prosecutor Michael T. Gmoser is also seeking the death penalty for Phil.
“It was kind of one of those brainstorm moments,” Gmoser told ABCNews.com. ”I woke up in a snow storm. The wind was blowing and howling. The temperature was in the teens.”
Gmoser indicted Punxsutawney Phil on one count of misrepresentation of Spring, an unclassified felony, against the peace and dignity of the state of Ohio. ”Phil let us down,” Gmoser said.
On Feb. 2, Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his burrow and did not see his shadow, predicting an early spring.
Punxsutawney Phil faces a felony charge from Butler County, Ohio for his intentional incorrect early spring prediction (Alex Wong/Getty Images)
In his indictment, the prosecutor stated, “Punxsutawney Phil did purposely, and with prior calculation and design, cause the people to believe that Spring would come early.” Gmoser cited a snowstorm and record low temperatures in Butler County as evidence that Phil’s was prediction was grossly inaccurate.
Due to the nature of the groundhog’s deceit, Gmoser is seeking the death penalty: “Let’s face it. Phil is already behind bars. He’s got a life sentence…There’s no sentence left for Phil.”
Getting rid of Phil could make an opportunity for a new rodent, Gmoser said, “His sister Phyllis.”
Gmoser doesn’t want to worry Phil fans.
“I actually got calls asking whether or not I was really going to kill Phil,” he told ABCNews.com. He said that he wanted to make light of the cold temperatures and a groundhog, a case he said, is “groundbreaking and has legs — four.”
The prosecutor suspects that the Pennsylvania town is preparing for Phil’s defense. ”They’re probably going to claim that he didn’t know his rear end from a hole in a ground,” Gmoser said.
“Doesn’t he have better things to do than do this?” Bill Deely, president of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, told ABCNews.com. Deely said he’s to blame for Phil’s incorrect prediction because he misinterpreted what the groundhog told him.
土撥鼠菲爾預測 美冬天還將持續6周
自由時報 2022/02/03 15:54
〔編譯陳成良/綜合報導〕2月2日是北美洲一年一度的「土撥鼠節」(Groundhog Day),最大的盛會在美國賓州的旁蘇托尼(Punxsutawney)小鎮舉行,知名土撥鼠天氣預報員「菲爾」,在現場數千名觀眾見證下,預示冬天還會持續6週。