擁吻照 藏未來妻
當天美國水手孟多薩(George Mendonsa)初次與夢中情人佩特里約會,聽聞二戰落幕連忙跑到街上狂歡,他一見穿著護士服的牙科助理謝恩(Edith Shain)迎面走來,情不自禁擁吻她。事隔多年他妻子佩特里(圖二左,翻攝網路)對其瘋狂行徑仍有些吃味,埋怨孟多薩「從沒那樣吻過我。」http://goo.gl/r8taO
The true story behind the iconic V-J Day sailor and 'nurse' smooch
Couple is together in this timeless pic – but it’s not her he’s smooching!
Last Updated: 1:22 PM, June 17, 2012
Posted: 12:37 AM, June 17, 2012
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They were going to Radio City Music Hall, to a 1:05 p.m. showing of “A Bell for Adano,” starring Gene Tierney as a fisherman’s daughter who falls in love with the US Army major assigned to her war-ravaged Italian village.
George and Rita never saw the end of the movie.
‘There was pounding on the doors from outside on the street,” George says. “They put the lights on and stopped the show and said, ‘The war is over, and the Japanese have surrendered.’ ”
George and Rita flew out of Radio City and right into Childs Bar, just a few blocks away. The bartenders had lined up glasses all along the bar and just kept pouring. “I popped quite a few drinks,” George says.
AT PEACE: Rita Petry says she’s never been mad that on their first date, husband George Mendonsa kissed a woman he thought was a nurse to celebrate the end of WWII.
Then he and Rita went to Times Square, and as they crossed Seventh Avenue at 44th Street, George caught sight of a woman in a nurse’s uniform: “What I remembered about the nurses from five months earlier . . .”
Actually, George has it wrong. It had been three months before, out in the Pacific, aboard the USS The Sullivans. He’d watched on the morning of May 11 as two Japanese kamikaze planes, one after the other, smashed into the nearby USS Bunker Hill, setting off a series of explosions and killing 346 sailors (43 bodies were never recovered). George helped pull hundreds of men, some horribly burned, out of the water, and watched with awe as nurses went to work on them.
So on this joyous and unbelievable afternoon, George ran from Rita — the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen — grabbed the first nurse he saw, spun her around, dipped her and kissed her. Rita was just steps behind them, and in the photo she’s beaming.
“A lot of people want to know what I was thinking,” she says. “It was a happy day; I was grinning like an idiot. The kiss really didn’t bother me at all. If I had been engaged, maybe.”
The kiss did kind of bother someone else, though: the woman in the nurse’s uniform, Greta Zimmer, who wasn’t even a nurse. She was a 21-year-old dental assistant from Queens, who, having heard rumors about the end of the war, walked over to Times Square from her office on Lexington Avenue. George says he was so drunk, he doesn’t even remember the kiss. Greta says she’ll never forget it.
Greta Zimmer was born and raised in Austria, and in 1939, after much debate, her parents insisted that Greta and her two sisters flee to America. They were among the last refugees to make it out, and even on the afternoon of Aug. 14, as Greta read the illuminated news crawl declaring the end of the war, she had no idea where her parents were, or if they were even alive.
http://www.sznews.com 2012-05-04 14:13 深圳新聞網
1945年,為慶祝二戰勝利,一名美國水兵和一名陌生女護士在美國紐約時報廣場忘情擁吻,這一幕正巧被攝影師拍成照片,並被譽為“勝利之吻”。在新書《接吻的水兵》中,作者喬治• 加爾德里西和聯合作者勞倫斯•韋里推測,水兵的人選有4~5人,護士的則有3人,最終分析得出,現年89歲的喬治•曼多薩和格里塔•弗德曼是真正的男女主角。
在新書《接吻的水兵》中,作者喬治• 加爾德里西和聯合作者勞倫斯•韋里推測,水兵的人選有4~5人,護士的則有3人,最終分析得出,現年89歲的喬治•曼多薩和格里塔•弗德曼是真正的男女主角。如今曼多薩居住在羅德島,弗德曼居住在馬里蘭。
二戰勝利日之吻 美水兵86歲逝
中央社 – 2014年3月15日 上午9:08
(中央社德州奧斯汀14日綜合外電報導)1名美國年輕水兵在紐約時報廣場(Times Square)興奮擁吻女護士的黑白照片,是慶祝二戰勝利的經典鏡頭。照片中男主角本月9日辭世,享壽86歲。
水兵麥克達菲(Glenn Edward McDuffie)的女兒告訴紐約「每日新聞」(Daily News),86歲的父親9日稍早在德州賭場心臟病發作,隨後辭世。
麥克達菲在2007年告訴德州「休士頓紀事報」(Houston Chronicle),1945年8月盟軍打敗日本,當年18歲的他在親吻這名護士前,從沒和這名女子說上話。
麥克達菲晚年健康狀況不佳,他的女兒貝爾(Glenda Bell)告訴「休士頓紀事報」,每當有女性要求和父親重演這一幕時,父親就會在她們臉頰輕輕親一下。(譯者:中央社陳怡君)1030315
「二戰之吻」經典照 女主角辭世享壽92歲
第二次世界大戰結束時,攝影師艾森斯塔特在美國紐約的時報廣場,拍下一名美國海軍水手興奮擁吻女護士畫面,已成歷史經典照片,照片中的女主角,與海軍擁吻的女子佛里德曼上周四在美國維吉尼亞州去世,享壽92歲。在1945年8月14日,當年21歲任職牙醫助理的弗里德曼(Greta Zimmer Friedman),聽到戰爭結束的消息,跑到診所附近的時報廣場慶祝,見到身穿制服的海軍孟多薩(George Mendonsa),她欣喜若狂與他擁吻起來,《生活》(Life)週刊攝影記者艾森斯塔特(Alfred Eisenstaedt)捕捉到這激情一刻,拍下這幅20世紀其一最震動人心的照片。多年來不少人都宣稱自己才是照片中的主角,事後經海軍學院以3D臉部掃描辨識,認定孟多薩是相片中的海軍,而攝影師也認為佛里德曼才是女主角。佛里德曼2005年受訪時曾表示,當年她根本不認識孟多薩,也沒交換姓名,只是因為想到軍人不用重回太平洋戰場,真心為他高興,親吻慶祝戰爭結束。現年93歲的孟多薩是退休漁民,現居於羅得島,佛里德曼的亡夫是退休軍人,她將下葬阿靈頓國家公墓其夫墓旁。。(國際中心/綜合外電報導)
Greta Zimmer Friedman, Nurse From WWII 'Kiss' Photo, Dies At 92
CP By The Associated Press
Posted: 09/10/2016 6:44 pm EDT Updated: 3 hours ago
NEW YORK — The woman who was kissed by an ecstatic sailor in Times Square celebrating the end of World War II has died at the age of 92.
Greta Zimmer Friedman's son says his mother died Thursday at a hospital in Richmond, Virginia. She died from complications of old age, he said.
Friedman was a 21-year-old dental assistant in a nurse's uniform on Aug. 14, 1945, known as V-J Day, the day the Japanese surrendered. People spilled out into the streets from restaurants, bars and movie theatres in New York City when they heard the news. That's when George Mendonsa spotted Friedman, spun her around and planted a kiss on her. The two had never met.
In fact, Mendonsa was on a date with an actual nurse, Rita Petry, who would later become his wife.
A sailor and nurse kiss in New York's Times Square on Aug. 14, 1945. Greta Zimmer Friedman, the nurse, died Thursday at the age of 92. (Victor Jorgensen, United States Navy/REUTERS)
The photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt is called "V-J Day in Times Square'' but is known to most the world over as simply, "The Kiss.'' Mendonsa says that in some photos of the scene, Petry could be seen smiling in the background.
The photo was first published in Life, buried deep within the magazine's pages. Over the years, the photo gained recognition, and several people claimed to be the kissing couple. In an August 1980 issue of Life, 11 men and three women said they were the subjects. It was years until Mendonsa and Friedman were confirmed to be the couple.
Joshua Friedman says his mother recalled it all happening in an instant.
"It wasn't that much of a kiss,'' Friedman said in an interview with the Veterans History Project in 2005. "It was just somebody celebrating. It wasn't a romantic event.''
Nurse Kissed by Sailor in Iconic Times Square V-J Day Photo Has Died: Reports
George Mendonsa and Greta Zimmer Friedman
Alfred Eisenstaedt/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
By Dave Quinn
09/10/2016 AT 04:30 PM EDT
Greta Zimmer Friedman – the nurse who was famously kissed by a sailor in one of the most iconic photographs on the 20th century – died Thursday in Virginia at the age of 92, according to several reports.
Her son, Joshua Friedman, confirmed the news of his mother's passing to NBC and CBS, saying she died of pneumonia which she developed at an assisted living facility where she lived for the past two years.
The kiss was captured by photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt on Aug. 14, 1945 – the day Japan surrendered to the Allies. Published in LIFE magazine a few weeks later, the shot went on to become the symbol for the end of World War II.
But Zimmer Friedman's role in the photo was not planned.
Then a 21-year-old dental assistant living in New York, she wandered into Times Square while on break to see whether the rumors of Japan's surrender were true, The New York Daily News reported. President Harry S. Truman had not yet made the official announcement of Japan's surrender, but people appeared to be flooding the New York streets in celebration.
As she entered Times Squaret, 22-year-old sailor George Mendonsa grabbed her and kissed her.
"I did not see him approaching, and before I know it I was in this vice grip,” Friedman told CBS News correspondent Michelle Miller in 2012.
George Mendonsa
Patrick Raycraft / Hartford Courant / MCT via Getty Images
Their identities remained unknown over the years, as several men and women claimed to be the couple. But authors George Galdorisi and Lawrence Verria used forensic analysis and photographic interpretation to determine Mendonsa and Zimmer Friedman's as the official pair.
Zimmer Friedman and Mendonsa, now 93, had met again in 1980, when LIFE set out an open call to determine the identities of the kissing couple. They reunited in 2012 for CBS News, after Galdorisi and Verria's book, The Kissing Sailor: The Mystery Behind the Photo that Ended World War II, published.
"I realized the photo means a lot to so many people," Zimmer Friedman told NBC News. "My mother always felt like it wasn't anything she did – it was something that happened to her."
Ironically, Mendonsa was on a date with another girl at the time of the his kiss with Zimmer Friedman. That woman – Rita Petry – would go on to marry Mendonsa. The two live in Middletown, Rhode Island – roughly 180 miles northeast of Times Square, CNN reports.
「勝利之吻」水手辭世 享壽95歲 二戰名照成追憶
【蔡文英╱綜合外電報導】美國攝影師艾森斯塔特1945年8月14日攝於紐約時報廣場的一張美國海軍水手擁吻女子照片,成了象徵二次世界大戰結束的經典照,照片男主角孟杜薩(George Mendonsa)周日過世,享壽95歲。
孟杜薩晚年曾提及當年那一吻,當時22歲的他結束在太平洋的任務放假,跟後來成為妻子的麗塔第一次約會,聽到群眾大喊:「戰爭結束了!」他們在一家酒吧停下腳步,他喝了一些酒。離開酒吧後,「我看到這名護士,回想起醫療船上照料傷兵的護士」,「我喝了點酒,我猜是出於本能,就摟住她。」事後證明那位護士是牙醫助理佛里曼(Greta Friedman)。
2019-02-20 17:06
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕第二次大戰結束當下,一名美軍水手在時代廣場上擁吻女護士的畫面被拍下,可說是終戰經典照片之一,甚至豎立雕像以滋紀念。就在該名水手,95歲的門多薩(George Mendonsa)近日過世後,這張「勝利之吻」再度大量曝光。隨著近年女權主義高漲,反對性騷擾的女權運動「#MeToo」在全球延燒,如今就連「勝利之吻」也受到波及,女主角雕像被用紅漆漆上「#MeToo」。