瑞典女大生窗戶掛21慶生日 遭舉報為IS支持者 大批警力上門查察
21看成「IS」 少女21歲生日趴大批警力突襲
NOWnews – 2015年2月25日 下午4:24
據《今日俄羅斯》報導,日前是莎拉(Sarah Ericsson)21歲的生日,她在家中窗戶掛上特製「21」生日氣球,卻被路人誤以為是「IS」。
Swede's 21st balloons dubbed 'IS' propaganda
Published: 24 Feb 2015 11:58 GMT+01:00
Updated: 24 Feb 2015 13:23 GMT+01:00
After Sarah Ericsson hung up balloons in the shape of the number '21' for her birthday, her home was paid a visit by Swedish police who thought they stood for 'IS' and had been put up by supporters of the Islamic State extremist group.
"It was a little strange," whispered the 21-year-old to The Local from the library at Blekinge Institute of Technology in southern Sweden, where she is taking a course in Spatial Planning.
The student was already in class on Monday when her boyfriend Fabian Åkesson, who was staying at her home in Karlskrona, recieved a visit from police.
A passerby had called them after looking through the window at two balloons pushed together to make the number '21' and confusing their reverse image with the letters 'IS', which the extremist group also known as Isis and the Islamic State often uses as part of its propaganda.
"We understand why someone would report it if they thought it looked like IS-propaganda, although everyone else just thought it looked like the number '12' from outside," Ericsson later told The Local via email.
Her boyfriend Fabian Åkesson explained to Swedish media that he was stood looking out of a window brushing his teeth on Monday morning when he noticed several police cars outside the house and then heard a knock on the door. When he went to open it, he was greeted by three police officers, who quickly realized that they had made a mistake.
"I laughed about it and they showed me a photo that they had taken where from their perspective, it did almost look like the letters IS," he told Swedish newspaper Kvällsposten, which is part of the Expressen group.
But despite police accepting the error, Åkesson said he was still asked to remove the balloons from the window.
"They asked me to take down the balloons to avoid further misunderstanding. We laughed some more about it all and they wished me a nice day, and wished my girlfriend a belated Happy Birthday," he said.
"Extremism should always be taken seriously, and we did take the balloons down immediately," added Ericsson in her response to The Local.
"I'm so surprised at all the attention. I will never forget my 21st birthday!"
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21 or IS? Swedish police mistake party balloons for Islamic State initials
For Sarah Ericsson, having 21 spelt out in balloon form was a traditional way to celebrate her birthday but for one passerby who called the police, it was a symbol of Isil's infiltration
By Raziye Akkoc
11:23AM GMT 25 Feb 2015
For Sarah Ericsson, her 21st birthday was one she will never forget after Swedish police showed up at her house.
The officers arrived at Ms Ericsson's home after a passer-by contacted them believing that the 21, which looks a lot like 12 from the outside, spelt IS.
IS is the acronym for Islamic State, who are also known Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, The passer-by thought it had been put up by the extremist group's supporters.
The Blekinge Institute of Technology student told the Local she was not at home when the police arrived on Monday but her boyfriend Fabian Åkesson was.
He told Swedish newspaper Kvällsposten he saw police cars outside the house and three officers at the door when he opened it.
Fortunately, the police quickly realised their error, but asked that Mr Åkesson take the balloons down.
"They asked me to take down the balloons to avoid further misunderstanding. We laughed some more about it all and they wished me a nice day, and wished my girlfriend a belated happy birthday," he said.
Ms Ericsson said the situation was "a little strange": "We understand why someone would report it if they thought it looked like IS-propaganda, although everyone else just thought it looked like the number '12' from outside."
Now, Ms Ericsson said, her 21st birthday was one she will always remember. "I'm so surprised at all the attention. I will never forget my 21st birthday!"
Swede's 21st balloons dubbed 'IS' propaganda
Published: 24 Feb 2015 11:58 GMT+01:00
Updated: 24 Feb 2015 13:23 GMT+01:00
After Sarah Ericsson hung up balloons in the shape of the number '21' for her birthday, her home was paid a visit by Swedish police who thought they stood for 'IS' and had been put up by supporters of the Islamic State extremist group.
"It was a little strange," whispered the 21-year-old to The Local from the library at Blekinge Institute of Technology in southern Sweden, where she is taking a course in Spatial Planning.
The student was already in class on Monday when her boyfriend Fabian Åkesson, who was staying at her home in Karlskrona, recieved a visit from police.
A passerby had called them after looking through the window at two balloons pushed together to make the number '21' and confusing their reverse image with the letters 'IS', which the extremist group also known as Isis and the Islamic State often uses as part of its propaganda.
"We understand why someone would report it if they thought it looked like IS-propaganda, although everyone else just thought it looked like the number '12' from outside," Ericsson later told The Local via email.
Her boyfriend Fabian Åkesson explained to Swedish media that he was stood looking out of a window brushing his teeth on Monday morning when he noticed several police cars outside the house and then heard a knock on the door. When he went to open it, he was greeted by three police officers, who quickly realized that they had made a mistake.
"I laughed about it and they showed me a photo that they had taken where from their perspective, it did almost look like the letters IS," he told Swedish newspaper Kvällsposten, which is part of the Expressen group.
But despite police accepting the error, Åkesson said he was still asked to remove the balloons from the window.
"They asked me to take down the balloons to avoid further misunderstanding. We laughed some more about it all and they wished me a nice day, and wished my girlfriend a belated Happy Birthday," he said.
"Extremism should always be taken seriously, and we did take the balloons down immediately," added Ericsson in her response to The Local.
"I'm so surprised at all the attention. I will never forget my 21st birthday!"